Movies 2006

So I’m 8 months through 2006 and adding to my Movies 2006 page is getting a little unwieldy. It currently has 29 entries and I’ve been avoiding adding a couple of movies I’ve seen recently just because it’s a pain to work with.

That’s when I had an epiphany.

Q: What do I want from the Movies 2006 page?
A: A sequential list of all the movies I see in 2006, with my comments on each.

Q: What type of website is good at sequential journal entries?
A: A blog.

You see where this is going.

It occured to me that each movie could have it’s own entry, and I could just create a category named “Movies 2006”. Instead of clicking on the page you would click on the category, and there they’d be, all lined up, with the added bonus that you, my 5 loyal readers, could comment on a specific movie if you so desired. I AM A GENIUS!

Anyway, I’m in the process of moving all the existing content into date and movie specific posts, then I’ll probably take the page down.

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