New Start

I got out of the habit of posting here last month, August being my crazy busy work month. I kept looking at the site, and starting things, but couldn’t bring myself to get out a finished post. I felt completely blocked. My subject matter either seemed too big to tackle (trying to write a coherent post about Ann Richards) or too small to bother with (look at this cool link I found).

I’ve also been distracted by this greater, overarching idea I’ve had about creating a set of web pages all of which feed into a main page for a total, integrated web presence. Which is kinda like planning a hotel in the middle of the Siberian permafrost – it may be cool when it’s done, but why bother if you and your 5 friends are the only ones who’ll ever see it? I guess the journey is the reward, or some such crap.

Anyway, I decided the best way out of this was to just write something, as long as I was getting something on the page. I am committing to at least one post a day for the rest of this week, to see if I can get my rhythm back.

So here we are…


Oh, hey, look at this cool link I found.

66 Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena.

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