I love my iPhone…

… to an almost unhealthy degree. I carry it with me everywhere. Some Jehovah’s Witnesses just came to my door, and I unplugged it and put it in my pocket so I would have it with me in case I needed it in the 90 seconds I was away from the computer. After I’d had it for 6 hours I picked up The Lovely Wife’s Blackberry and tried to answer a call by touching the screen. I got more and more frustrated as I mashed on it over and over until I realized it wasn’t going to do anything, and then I just gave up. It was no longer worth it to me to expend the energy to scroll the wheel and push the button and whatever else you have to do to answer that dinosaur of a phone. You might as well have asked me to go out in the back yard and bang out morse code on a giant drum for the calvary division on the next hill.

Now I address the criticisms:

  • EDGE is too slow.
  • Yes, it is. So is 3G, the standard you’re whining for. Do you live in a cornfield? If you don’t, WiFi is everywhere – look into it. And the 2 times I’ve had to rely on EDGE it was a bit of a drag, but it was perfectly acceptable FOR A TINY INTERNET IN MY POCKET. Are you also upset that it doesn’t have tricorder functions? Shut up, nerd.

  • It’s too expensive.
  • It’s a wide screen, touchscreen video iPod with text, email and internet access, AND it’s a phone. The first generation, 10GB iPod with a mechanical scroll wheel was $499 in 2001, and it is an enormous, functionless brick of compressed crap compared to the iPhone.

  • I hate AT&T.
  • So do I. I also hate every other wireless company I’ve ever done business with, which is most of them. They all charge about the same and work about the same, and then when something goes wrong, they all have the same terrible service. There is almost nothing to differentiate them, except… oh, look. It’s an iPhone. AT&T wins.

  • There will be a better one in 6 months.
  • You still have a land line and carry a transistor radio, don’t you? Are you reading this web page at the library?

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    10 Responses to I love my iPhone…

    1. da pimpologist says:

      posting this on my iphone… Because it rocks!!! The wife is watching fashion reality TV, and i’m online ON MY PHONE!!!
      EDGE is faster than dialup, so anyone who complains about speed is spoiled on broadband speeds.
      the price, at $0, definitely fit’s my budget.
      activation took a little while because i was porting my old number over from my parent’s family plan on verizon. ATT sent me 2 txt messages to let me know what number to call them at to resolve it. I needed my step dad to call and was waiting for him to have a chance when a very pleasant lady from ATT called to help me resolve the issue. I gave her my step dad’s phone number and she called him and had the issue fixed within several minutes. I was really impressed with their service.
      I’m practicing typing with thumbs on the QWERTY key pad and getting much faster by the minute. Learning to trust the predictive/corrective is helping too!
      someone take this thing out of my hands!!!

    2. patrickrhett says:

      For some reason it hadn’t occured to me that I could post from my phone, but here I am, checking my blog, reading your comment and replying to it – all on my phone. And the typing does get easier…

    3. Ferrari says:

      Jeez Patrick, you’re a dork. I was commenting on other people’s blogs within 2 hours of getting mine turned on. You’re so last century šŸ˜‰

    4. Linda says:

      And this is where all my overseas living sucks. I have to wait for-fucking-ever to get an iPhone. Oh the jealousy I have at this moment.

    5. Friendly Scarecrow says:

      Why yes. Yes I do live in a cornfield.

      And it’s “cavalry.” Can you get a dictionary on that monstrosity, you MacWhore?

    6. patrickrhett says:

      Dammit! A misspelling ruins a perfectly good joke. Unless I was referring to the Roman guards who crucified ourlordandsavior, but then, no, I would need to have capatalized Calvary. And I don’t think the Romans used morse code. And, really, shouldn’t you have corrected Morse code, as well? I guess spelling errors were the only errors you could find, and the easy ones at that.

    7. Friendly Scarecrow says:

      I’m only a scarecrow, after all. Besides, I’d hate to make that giant tub o’goo you call a head explode.

    8. patrickrhett says:

      I’m macroencephalic, thank you very much, and it was probably a virus that caused it. Definitely not my fault.

    9. Carolyn McGinty says:

      What did the Jehovah’s Witnesses say? You didn’t tell us that they had stopped by.

    10. patrickrhett says:

      In the interest of brevity, I paraphrase, but not much:

      “Would you like our magazine?”
      “No, thank you. I was raised as a JW, and it…”
      “…wasn’t for you?”
      “No. It wasn’t for me.”
      “Ok. Have a nice day.”
      “You, too. Good luck storming the castle.”

      In the interest of accuracy, I added the last sentence for comedic effect.

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