Dork (I’m A…)

This guy (WMV file) looks like he’s probably very, very lonely, but I wouldn’t mind being able to pull off a couple of his moves at my next poker game.

The video was taken from this site, which not only has several more videos of the above referenced, ahem, “Flourishman”, doing his card manipulations, but also has videos of pen spinning, cup stacking and something called xtreme digits. And a guy shuffling cards with his feet. The juxtoposition of gee-whiz coolness and bizarre, uncomfortable dorkiness is incredibly compelling.

Of course, anyone who devotes themselves to one thing to the exclusion of all others for a long enough period of time is going to look a bit dorky to those on the outside. Much like me with my unattractive pictures of attractive people, an ongoing project for the past 2 1/2 years. At least Flourishman and the others can probably get some free drinks out of their hobby.

P.S. The first person to recognize the song title that the title of this post is a take-off on wins a prize of some sort. Let’s make it the next free iTunes code I get from the 12 Pepsi products a week I’m drinking. (Mountain Dew Code Red is disgustingly delicious… urp) Leave the song title, artist and album name in comments. Oh, and sorry to The Lovely Wife, you’re not eligible.

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One Response to Dork (I’m A…)

  1. Cristina says:

    Sex (I’m a…), Berlin, Pleasure Victim. Where’s my prize dammit!

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