Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

31. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’ve been busy. We’ve had 3 Netflix movies sitting by the television since July, and last night decided to finally watch one of them.

I wasn’t so sure about this movie for the first 15 minutes. It takes it’s time getting everything set up, and it took me about that long to get used to the structure and narration. After that it takes off. Well done, funny popcorn movie. I might watch it again before I send it back.

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4 Responses to Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

  1. Ferrari says:

    See I was the exact opposite, I think. I liked about the first 30 to an hour, but after that it seemed like it was trying too hard to be clever. The whole shtick I think really gets in the way of the actual story by the end.

  2. atom says:

    I respectfully disagree with your disagreement. The shtick is the story. Boil it all away and the actual story is kinda stupid and unbelievable. This isn’t Dog Day Afternoon, it’s Lethal Weapon, Part 4.

  3. Ferrari says:

    Nor was I expecting it to be Dog Day. Never saw Lethal Weapon 4, so I can’t speak to the comparison there ;-).

  4. atom says:

    Damn, I meant Lethal Weapon 5, as in, the next film in a logical progression from that series, updated for modern sensibilities and lacking mullets. I didn’t intend a direct comparison, I just forgot there was a Lethal Weapon 4. I guess it wasn’t that good.

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