Frontline: Ghosts of Rwanda

13. Frontline: Ghosts of Rwanda
Ghosts of Rwanda

I am fascinated by Rwanda. What led up to the genocide, how it started and progressed, how we (the first world) did nothing to stop it and a few things to make it worse, how it continued, then ended, and how a country that’s been through something like that can even still exist without tearing itself apart. Mostly, I guess, it’s about how this could have happened outside the grainy black and white newsreels from the 40’s, because that’s where genocide is supposed to stay.

Click on the text link above the picture to be taken to the Frontline site for this documentary. It’s packed with interviews, video clips and more. If you’d rather read, I can’t recommend We Wish to Inform You… enough. I’ve read it twice, and I’ll read it again. To read about genocide in the 20th century and America’s response to it, I’d suggest A Problem from Hell.

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