D. James Kennedy, for those of you who don’t know, is the scary waxen zombie who heads the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Coral Ridge, Florida. Three seconds at his church’s website gave me this…
“What about me? Are they going to take my feeding tube away next?” That is what disabled people all over America are asking, in light of the court-ordered killing of Terri Schiavo!
…never mind that Terri, on her liquefied brain’s best day, couldn’t have formed one syllable of one of the words in that quote, which would automatically differentiate her from “disabled people all over America” with the ability to ask things. Then I felt like ants were crawling under my skin and I had to close their page. It was probably Satan. Or revulsion.
Terry Gross is the host of Fresh Air, an interview program on NPR. She interviewed D. James Kennedy on yesterday’s show, and the talk centered on his goal of “reclaiming” America for Christ. Some of my favorite highlights, and I paraphrase here:
1. The theory of evolution is responsible for the Kinsey Report, the sexual revolution, homosexuality, feminism and the Holocaust.
2. If secular government is allowed, you are allowing man to give you your rights, and what man can give he can take away. Only god can give you rights. (Or, it is inferred, set some proper boundaries. Like against the homos. Or women.)
Really, if Satan has allowed you to read this far, you may as well go listen to the interview. Terry, normally a paragon of cool and collected interviewing, actually sputters with indignation a couple of times.
Oh, and I don’t really know if Terry Gross is Jewish or not, but it would help explain why she hates D. James Kennedy so much. That, or her possession of a frontal lobe. One or the other.
Well I am not Jewish, but I do have a frontal lobe and I am…oh…I can’t even articulate what I am right now…this Dr. Kennedy guy made me mad!