I am -4% Republican, or, according to this site, “a damn Commie”. And, I might add, proud of it. (via The Blue Parrot)
I’ve always liked cellular automata programs, ever since I first saw them years ago. Looking into their origins, I found out they have been around since 1970, or, as long as me. There is now way more information about them than I will ever read.
The coolest variation I’ve seen so far turns it into a 2 player game, of sorts. Work for a while in the practice area, then test your creation against someone else’s in the battle area. See how closely your arrangement matches the most successful configurations. Mine, sadly, did not.
For JenJ, I say, “Try something a little different next time you endulge your love of over-roasted coffee. You have so many choices.”
Choose a director, watch their videos. And by “their videos” I mean the 5 Bjork vids directed by Lynn Fox. I haven’t seen the other ones. They could be good too.