Today is the 45th day of our diet. I started at 192 pounds and am, as of today, down to 176. I don’t really want to lose any more weight (just redistribute some of it) so we added the gym to our routine last week and have been 4 times in the last 8 days.
At some point the diet (a special course of food to which one restricts oneself to lose weight) became our diet (the kinds of food that a person habitually eats). It’s getting easier to make smarter choices, and we are learning to make better meals. Fried chicken and mashed potatoes have been replaced by grilled grass fed beef and ginger sauteed cabbage. That’s not a bad trade.
I have to give The Lovely Wife full credit for all of these changes. She came up with the diet, organized the menus, made shopping lists, cooked most of the food, got us to join the YMCA, dragged me to the gym for the first time in my life, and showed me how to use it. I have grilled what I was told to grill, eaten what I was told to eat, pedaled when I was told to pedal, and tried not to complain too much.
Once again, in a pattern that has been repeating itself for 10 years now, my wife has demonstrated that she is both smarter and way more ambitious than I am. God help me if she ever turns on me.
I can only fly higher than the eagles because you are the wind beneath my wings…Seriously, love you. Could not have done this without you. Besos!
C O O O O K I E ! ! ! !
I miss you guys. Bebe sends love.