Friday was Enrique’s birthday at the 121 Bar. He is now 33. There is a slim chance that, by today, he is no longer hungover.
Saturday was James’ birthday at Opal’s. James is now 30. He is English and can drink more than Enrique.
Sunday was a day of rest, as god intended.
Monday was the 4th of July, with drunken fireworks for all, as our founding fathers intended. We invited James, the aforementioned Englishman, over so we could soak him with waterguns in a condensed 30 minute recreation of the Revolutionary War. Taxation without representation is tyranny! Then I burnt the crap outta my thumb with a sparkler. Damn thing was like a blowtorch. Ouch.
If a three day weekend leaves me with anything, it’s the feeling that work is for suckers with no money. Like me. And you.