New Header Images

I created some random header images from my thousands of pictures and installed them above. If you don’t like the header image, hit refresh and something new should pop up. (Except that it’s random, which means the same picture could pop up a few times in a row. If only you could make things more random than random. By which I mean slightly less random. But that is much harder, so just hit refresh an extra couple of times if you have to. Something new will eventually appear.)

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2 Responses to New Header Images

  1. Linda says:

    Was that one that I looked at for one second a spider? That was truly gross and frightening, couldn’t take time to look at it.

  2. patrickrhett says:

    Yep, it is a spiny backed orb weaver, a weird spider I just recently started seeing around Austin. There are white ones, yellow ones and red ones, and I think they’re kinda cute.

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